Purpose of Responsible Animal Guardian Month

May has been designated Responsible Animal Guardian Month by In Defense of Animals (IDA) to highlight the importance of humans’ responsibilities to animals. As animal lovers, we know that adding a furry friend to the family is a daily, year-round, life-long commitment.

According to IDA, the purpose of the campaign is to focus on, ” promoting the life-saving language, actions and values of animal guardianship in regard to our fellow beings.” They believe that if we first change the way we refer to ourselves as “animal guardians,” it implies that we are responsible for their well-being rather than “owners,” which implies that they are our property.

How Can You Help?

IDA hopes that this campaign will help foster a more respectful attitude towards animals and encourage people to honor their responsibilities toward them.

If you are considering adding a new furry friend to your family, be sure to review the following items with regard to your pet’s needs and care:

  • Have a plan for care. Your new four-legged friend is going to need walks, feeding, playtime, baths, and training. Someone might have to take him out early in the morning as well as in the evening. Pet owners will also have to spend time consistently training him or commit to bringing him to a trainer.  These details should be worked out before you take an animal home.
  • Be sure you have the time. Animals want and need your attention.  If they aren’t getting the interaction they need, they will find other outlets for their energy.  These outlets can result in behavior problems such as destroying items and excessive barking.
  • Spay or Neuter.
    It’s a responsible and healthy thing to help control the animal population by spaying or neutering your animal. 

If you already are an animal guardian it’s important to remember to:

  • Socialize your animal so that she is confident and comfortable in a variety of situations.
  • Make exercise part of your furry friend’s daily routine.  Just like humans, animals need exercise to stay in good physical shape.
  • Go for an annual wellness exam.  This provides an opportunity for your veterinarian to find issues and address them before they become chronic.
  • Take senior animals for two wellness exams a year.
  • Consider buying pet insurance to help cover unexpected vet visits and needed care for your furry family member. 

If you are interested in more information about being a responsible pet owner, click here.