Thanksgiving Day brings to mind gathering friends and family for a fantastic feast. Since our pets are an important part of our families, it is natural that they would want to be included. There are several simple precautions that will allow you to enjoy a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving. Dr. Jason Nicholas of The Preventive Vet, which helps pet owners prevent emergencies, offers this checklist of food your pet should avoid at all cost.

Turkey: Turkey skin, dripping or gravy can contribute to pancreatitis, and the skin often contains seasonings that can upset your pet’s stomach. Bones can cause inflammation, stomach obstruction or esophageal punctures.

• Ham: The higher salt content of most hams can cause digestive, heart and neurological problems. Pets already susceptible to these issues can go into congestive heart failure.

• Stuffing: Stay away from stuffing, which absorbs fat (which causes pancreatitis) and often contains onions, currants or raisins, which are all toxic to pets.

• Bread and rolls: Make sure to let dough rise in the microwave or oven, out of your dog’s reach. The yeast can ferment in his stomach and cause serious problems, such as alcohol poisoning. Ice water can help deactivate the yeast while you get him to the vet.

• Trash: Make sure you’re careful about how you dispose of your trash. The twine you use to truss the bird tastes like turkey, and your pet may wind up with a linear foreign body requiring surgery.

• Chocolate: This treat is for humans only. It only takes a little bit to cause big problems in your pet’s heart and digestive systems, and “the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is,” Nicholas says.


Don’t fret, there are plenty of special foods that your pet can enjoy safely. For example, for a safe, healthy treat, offer a bit of unseasoned turkey without any gravy or bones along with their regular food. Merrick offers a selection of foods to keep their menu festive; for example: Grammy's Pot Pie, Autumn Leaf't Overs, Gameday Tailgate, Turducken, and Thanksgiving Day Dinner just to name a few. Check out Braxton’s Animal Works for that special Thanksgiving treat for your pet.



Pet Photos with Santa:  December 8, 12pm-4pm.  Proceeds to benefit pet food drive.

Pooch Smooch Pet Photography, Holiday Photo Shoot:  December 1, 11am-4pm.  Call 610-349-9200 to schedule a sitting.

Dog Training Center of Chester County, Toys for Pups Drive:  Collection box at Braxton's from November 26 - December 24.