It's going to be a hot one out there. Even though summer does not officially begin until Sunday, June 21st, the temperatures outside tell another story.

With that in mind, Braxton's Animal Works wishes to remind its customers of the dangers of hot weather by offering tips for keeping pets cool and healthy during the hot days ahead.

Although most of these tips seem like common sense, many people are not aware of  how quickly extreme heat can cause problems for pets.

1. Do Not Leave Pets in Parked Cars: Even if you have the windows down, it takes only a few minutes for a parked car to heat up like an oven.

2. Avoid Exercise: Do not exercise pets in extreme heat. Exercise pets in the cool early morning or late evening hours.

3. Provide Water: It is extremely important that clean, fresh, cool water is readily available for pets.

4. Provide Shade: Pets need a cool, shady place to sleep during hot weather.

5. Groom: In summer months dogs and cats can shed tremendously, so getting that undercoat brushed out regularly can significantly cool your pet. For dogs with especially long, thick hair, shaving may help to keep them cooler.

So this summer, keep your pet cool by visiting Braxton’s Animal Works. We offer a wide variety of pet cooling supplies. Be sure to bring your pet along, so that he can help choose that special cooling device.