[caption id="attachment_48596" align="alignleft" width="600"] Photo: Erin F.[/caption]New Year's Eve is a time for joyful celebration, but it may be frightful to your pets. Be sure to follow these tips to keep your pets safe as you count down to 2015:

1. Keep Pets Indoors: Many animals have a fear of loud noises which can cause them to jump fences or dig out of yards to try to “escape”. Keep your pet indoors in a warm, familiar area, and consider playing a radio with soothing music to drown out loud, unexpected noises.

2. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can be extremely dangerous if ingested by a dog or cat. Be sure you and your guests keep a close eye on your drinks. Symptoms of alcohol toxicity include drooling, vomiting, weakness, and a rapid heartbeat. Should this occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.

3. Keep Your Pets Separate: If you’re having people over and your pet isn’t used to crowds, it’s probably best to set up a spot in a separate room. Provide food, water, a comfy spot to rest, and some toys to help distract your pet from the commotion.

If you would like more information on this topic, click here.

Braxton's Animal Works wishes you and your pets a happy and healthy 2015!